Friday 11 March 2011

Filming our Ident

We started to film our ident. We coloured the ice and put them in the freezer. We then took turns in checking on the ice cubes, seeing if they were frozen, etc. The, once they were frozen, we took turns operating the camera, putting the ice cubes in and out of the freezer and being the hand within the ident.

Later, we realized that it would be really good if we started the ident with someone putting the ice trays into the freezer, so we filmed Grace doing that.

But then, we realized that the camera was tracking, even through the knew that it had been taken of that setting. So, we realized that most of our film was shaking and tracking, etc. This meant that we had to consider re filming or trying to fix what we did on the computer. We decided that we should try and fix as much a possible before we go to the effort of re filming.

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