Friday 1 April 2011

Exporting our ident

Once we had completely finished editing, we went onto starting to export out work. We were very happy with it, and the process, and there wasn't any revisions to be made.
The overall result was excellent.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Editing the ident

While editing we noticed that the frame shots we did of the shaky footage, wasn't needed. So, we just went with the non-shaky filmed footage we had. So, we put this into imovie with some extra footage of club scenes.
With all this edited, and the on-screen graphics added into the end, the result was good, also, the overall effect, with al the effects we had, made it better than we thought it would turn out like.

Uploading the ident (one - party)

We have now uploaded all of our work from the filming. While looking at the footage, we released that some of the footage was slightly shaky.
We dealt with this by taking some of that shaky footage that we needed and making it into pictures and so those parts as animations instead of a film.
As a result, this came out quite good considering all the complications.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Creating the on screen graphics

We've started to create the last part of the on screen graphics, when the filmed part fades out and the graphics fade in.
But we sadly didn't have enough to film the ice cube melting, so we decided that it'd be better just to go with the on-screen graphics we'd already completed.
In the end, the effect that came out was good but wasn't as good as if we were able to have the melting ice cubes.

Sound/music ideas for ident three: Kitchen

In this ident, we'll need sound affects like, opening and closing of the fridge door and the sound of the frying ice. But, we'll also need a voice over, at the end, telling the audience what's coming up on the grid.

ident three, on screen graphics: Kitchen

ident three, list of props: Kitchen

ident three location images: Kitchen

Ident three shooting schedule: Kitchen

Ident three: Kitchen

This ident is set inside a kitchen, so we called it that. The story-line goes like this; we have a full shot of 'the grid', then we have a (mid) shot of a frying pan on a hob. The we cut to a long shot of a fridge. In this shot, it is the freezer being opened, this a hand grabs the ice cubes and then takes it back to the hob. Then, we have a (zooming from mid to close-up) shot, with the chill pill melting away inside the frying pan. We then would cut to a panning long shot. In this shot, the person goes back to the freezer, with it opening, taking out the letters, then taking those ice cubes to the stove. The, they'd be a close up shot of the 'the grid', ice cube melting inside the frying pan. Then, lastly, a close up shot of the frying pan, with 'the grid' inside it.

Friday 11 March 2011

Sound/Music planning for ident two: Pacman

We decided to start off the ident with packman sounds because the main focus of the ident is on a packman ice cube. Then, on shot 7, we move to a wild west sound. This is because the brain shaped ice has confronted the packman ice cube. At shot 9, the packman sounds come on to show that the packman has made his move within the blackout. At shot 10, the Dearth vader part of the star wars theme tune comes on during a close up of the packman ice cube. Then, in the last shot, a voice over would go; "You're watching the grid".

On screen graphics for ident two: Pacman

List of props, etc and description for the ident two: Pacman

Location images for ident two: Pacman

Shooting Schedule for ident two: Pacman

Filming our Ident

We started to film our ident. We coloured the ice and put them in the freezer. We then took turns in checking on the ice cubes, seeing if they were frozen, etc. The, once they were frozen, we took turns operating the camera, putting the ice cubes in and out of the freezer and being the hand within the ident.

Later, we realized that it would be really good if we started the ident with someone putting the ice trays into the freezer, so we filmed Grace doing that.

But then, we realized that the camera was tracking, even through the knew that it had been taken of that setting. So, we realized that most of our film was shaking and tracking, etc. This meant that we had to consider re filming or trying to fix what we did on the computer. We decided that we should try and fix as much a possible before we go to the effort of re filming.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

How we got the idea for ident two: Pacman

We started to come up with this idea when we were looking up ice trays on the internet. When we came across it, we decided to get the packman because it was a fun way to bring the younger end of our target audience to the channel. Then we thought that they would have to eat something as they go along - with the sounds with it - because otherwise people would not know what was going on. Then we thought it would be really funny if the packman eat a 'the brain' to show that the channel has shows like QI. So, we decided to have the wild west theme tune going on during a close up, and as it goes into blackout, the packman sounds come back and when the packman comes back the brain is gone and the dearth-vader part of the star wars theme tune comes on and we go into a close up of packman. We then thought that it would end with ice letter saying 'the grid' and a voiceover going; "You're watching the grid".

Packman Ice Tray picture:

Friday 18 February 2011

Storyboard for Ident two: Pacman

This is the storyboard of our first of the ideas - that we won't use - which we have thought out. By doing this, it help us decide on what kind of effects that this particular ident would bring.
In this ident, it would of included (props, costumes and make-up wise) that we would use three types of ice trays (letters, brains and packman), blue and red counters, and black card for all the pictures for the animation would be taken on. We would not be using an costumes or make-up.
After that, we looked at what music/ sounds that we would need. We would need packman sounds, the start of the wild west theme tune and the dearth-vader part of the stars wars theme tune. Also, we would have a voiceover saying "You're watching the grid", to use at the end.
Locations wise, we would be using the common room. An image of the common room was shown earlier on blogger. We would also not need any cast as this ident is an animation and is all based around ice cube shapes.
On the other hand, we would also not be using any on-screen graphics because all of the graphics would be in the pictures.

Sound/Music planning for ident one: Party

While planning our ident, we talked about what kind of music we would want. We decided that, for the club scene shots, that we could have an NDUBZ type track, and then for the ice cube shots, we could have a relaxing song to show being chilled out. Although, we have not yet chosen the exact pieces, but - as you can see - but we have picked out the type of music that we want.
We chose NDUBZ because their music are all use regularly in clubs. Also, they are a popular band in which 18-30 year olds - our channels target audience - can relate to their music early.

Friday 4 February 2011

Shooting Schedule for ident one: Party

By putting all of our ideas into a shooting schedule, it helped us to figure out which one of our ideas we'd use to film. We look at both affect on audience and time and which are easier to both film and edit to a high standard.

Colour schemes

In this research; we looked up what different colours look good together.
After deducing five different colours that suited the themes of our channel. These colours were: black, blue, green, pink, red and yellow. After completing some market research - with the target audience - and deduced that the two colour combinations that were most loved were; blue and red, and, blue and yellow. So, we decided that, out of the two, we like blue and red the best. So, now, all of our screen shot, etc, are based around those colours.

Storyboard for Ident one: Party

This is our storyboard. By doing this, it helped us to figure out exactly what goes where and how out main idea would come to life.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Drawing of our idea for the last on screen graphics for ident one - Party

This is our idea for the last graphic. We plan to leave these ice shapes to melt while we film with three different cameras, looking at the scene from three different angles, to capture the overall all affect of it at the end.

List of props, etc and description for the ident called Party

As you can see, we don't plan on having any costumes or make-up. This is because we don't plan on having any people within this - except for the club scene which we don't need any for - we only intent on using ice-cubes, a glass of water her and there, and some left over party food.

Friday 28 January 2011

Ident one: Party

After a lot of research and planning, and debating. We decided on the ideas about ice cube. We're going to buy a load of ice cube trays, in the shape of different objects related to our channel, and present these ice shapes in different ways; e.g: guitar shaped ice cube, inside a glass, with a party scene around it.

I believe that this is creative and inventive because the idea of ice has never been used before and it would also bring the viewers in, and make them interested. This also make the idea innovative and original.

Spider diagram and description of the process of discussing our ideas

Within this process, we came up with many ideas evolving; ice cubes, sofas, etc. On the hole, our ideas were rather creative. We also gained ideas about what TV show we would put onto the channel. Programs like; QI, cops on camera, etc.

As a team, I'd say that we worked together pretty well. Considering that we had ideas springing up quite a few times.

Considering availability to locations and props, some of these ideas we are not going to be able to use.

Final essay on TV idents

Friday 21 January 2011

Further research into TV idents

This source was taken from: http://about.five.TV/our-brands/five-usa

I completed this research on 21/12/2010

Research on TV idents

This source was taken from: http:/

These source were taken from:

I completed both pieces of research on 12/12/2010