Tuesday 7 December 2010

BBC Ident montage description

There are many likenesses between all of the general Idents. First off, they all have some kind of circle going on, either as an action or just a simple image. Another thing that is the same between these Idents is that they all have the same kind of colours. EG lots of red.

BBC Christmas Idents montage description

All of the BBC Christmas Idents have many things in common. One being that they always have the BBC logo and some form of a circle within them, ranging from an image of the world and just a general circle. Another one would be that they always have snow and something christmassy. EG in the 1977 Ident, they had a Christmas pudding as the 'circle' with white icing looking like snow.

BBC Christmas Ident - 2008

BBC Ident montage

BBC one Christmas Ident - A montage

BBC Christmas Ident

Friday 19 November 2010

Dave Ident - practical assignment

In this task, I believe that I'm at a distinction level. This is because (for the planning) I have worked within appropriate conventions, showed imagination, and showed creativity, flair and worked independently.
Fir the practical element of this task, I believe that I also got a distinction. This is because appropriate conventions, showed good technical standard and showed imagination. I also showed near professional standards of creativity, flair and worked independently.

Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of Alice's TV Ident Powerpoint - by George

Evaluation =
WWW = She used a constant background colour and text colour which worked well in contrast with one another and it showed consistancy throughout her work. She has given a clear definition of what a TV ident is and what it must have. Additionally she has given clear pictueres which show what the current TV ident for channel 5 are and pictures to show her opinion in what her favourite ident is.

EBI = Her work could have been better if she had put more writing and pictures on her 3rd slide as it is very boring as there is only 3 lines of writing in the middle of the page. She could have impotred a video to show a current ident rather than putting in loads of pictures. Also she could have used more media language when describing what her favourite ident was.

I feel that Alice's powerpoint was helpful and was clear to understand i found most of the information i was looking for.

Evaluated by George Proctor!!!!!!!!!