Friday 18 February 2011

Storyboard for Ident two: Pacman

This is the storyboard of our first of the ideas - that we won't use - which we have thought out. By doing this, it help us decide on what kind of effects that this particular ident would bring.
In this ident, it would of included (props, costumes and make-up wise) that we would use three types of ice trays (letters, brains and packman), blue and red counters, and black card for all the pictures for the animation would be taken on. We would not be using an costumes or make-up.
After that, we looked at what music/ sounds that we would need. We would need packman sounds, the start of the wild west theme tune and the dearth-vader part of the stars wars theme tune. Also, we would have a voiceover saying "You're watching the grid", to use at the end.
Locations wise, we would be using the common room. An image of the common room was shown earlier on blogger. We would also not need any cast as this ident is an animation and is all based around ice cube shapes.
On the other hand, we would also not be using any on-screen graphics because all of the graphics would be in the pictures.

Sound/Music planning for ident one: Party

While planning our ident, we talked about what kind of music we would want. We decided that, for the club scene shots, that we could have an NDUBZ type track, and then for the ice cube shots, we could have a relaxing song to show being chilled out. Although, we have not yet chosen the exact pieces, but - as you can see - but we have picked out the type of music that we want.
We chose NDUBZ because their music are all use regularly in clubs. Also, they are a popular band in which 18-30 year olds - our channels target audience - can relate to their music early.

Friday 4 February 2011

Shooting Schedule for ident one: Party

By putting all of our ideas into a shooting schedule, it helped us to figure out which one of our ideas we'd use to film. We look at both affect on audience and time and which are easier to both film and edit to a high standard.

Colour schemes

In this research; we looked up what different colours look good together.
After deducing five different colours that suited the themes of our channel. These colours were: black, blue, green, pink, red and yellow. After completing some market research - with the target audience - and deduced that the two colour combinations that were most loved were; blue and red, and, blue and yellow. So, we decided that, out of the two, we like blue and red the best. So, now, all of our screen shot, etc, are based around those colours.

Storyboard for Ident one: Party

This is our storyboard. By doing this, it helped us to figure out exactly what goes where and how out main idea would come to life.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Drawing of our idea for the last on screen graphics for ident one - Party

This is our idea for the last graphic. We plan to leave these ice shapes to melt while we film with three different cameras, looking at the scene from three different angles, to capture the overall all affect of it at the end.

List of props, etc and description for the ident called Party

As you can see, we don't plan on having any costumes or make-up. This is because we don't plan on having any people within this - except for the club scene which we don't need any for - we only intent on using ice-cubes, a glass of water her and there, and some left over party food.