Friday 1 April 2011

Exporting our ident

Once we had completely finished editing, we went onto starting to export out work. We were very happy with it, and the process, and there wasn't any revisions to be made.
The overall result was excellent.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Editing the ident

While editing we noticed that the frame shots we did of the shaky footage, wasn't needed. So, we just went with the non-shaky filmed footage we had. So, we put this into imovie with some extra footage of club scenes.
With all this edited, and the on-screen graphics added into the end, the result was good, also, the overall effect, with al the effects we had, made it better than we thought it would turn out like.

Uploading the ident (one - party)

We have now uploaded all of our work from the filming. While looking at the footage, we released that some of the footage was slightly shaky.
We dealt with this by taking some of that shaky footage that we needed and making it into pictures and so those parts as animations instead of a film.
As a result, this came out quite good considering all the complications.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Creating the on screen graphics

We've started to create the last part of the on screen graphics, when the filmed part fades out and the graphics fade in.
But we sadly didn't have enough to film the ice cube melting, so we decided that it'd be better just to go with the on-screen graphics we'd already completed.
In the end, the effect that came out was good but wasn't as good as if we were able to have the melting ice cubes.

Sound/music ideas for ident three: Kitchen

In this ident, we'll need sound affects like, opening and closing of the fridge door and the sound of the frying ice. But, we'll also need a voice over, at the end, telling the audience what's coming up on the grid.

ident three, on screen graphics: Kitchen